2025, The Year That Is: Start Small, Grow Tall

Over the past year or so, I’ve been bombarded with mixed messages: “You’re moving too fast,” “You’re moving too slow,” and “That’s too soon.” As I look back on the year that was and set big girl intentions for the new year, I’ve realized that my progress does not need to be seen, validated and understood for it to matter.

Growing up, society has whispered into my ear that life unfolds in a certain order at a prescribed pace, but firsthand experience has shown me two things:

1) Age is really just a number (although numbers do carry significant meaning (i.e. numerology)).

2) And the trajectory of life doesn’t always have to follow a straight-forward path.

Lately, it’s been looking more like slowing down, taking a few steps back for a clearer view of the horizon, and learning to live courageously and bravely right where I am while tuning in to the murmurings of my soul. In a period of thoughtful questioning and seeking growth, I’ve come to understand that the road to healing and growth can sometimes feel gnarly and painfully slow — and that’s alright.

Admittedly, there are times when I do feel quite overwhelmed by the pressure of “what I should be doing right now,” but the more that this is brought to my conscious awareness, the more I see that this season I’m in is not a setback, it’s me simply rerooting my human roots, creating stronger foundations, prepping myself for small and steady wins.

Growth Has Its Timing:

Growth cannot be rushed nor slowed down. Creativity, for instance, has its own clock and rhythm, and as a writer, I often feel the weight of finding the exact words to convey my emotions and experiences. Some days it flows effortlessly; other days it’s uncertain, destabilizing, and frustrating. But when the light turns on, it is indeed the most tremendous feeling ever! And the only way to facilitate this process and improve as a writer is to keep writing, reading, and immersing myself in life, trusting that the right words will eventually come.

Even if the words are not as precise and don’t match my emotions and experiences, I jot them down anyway, knowing that years from now, I’ll be grateful that I documented my journey. Although the season I’m in may not be as monumental and seismic, it is still significant and indispensable in its own right.

No Destination is Worth Reaching Without a Meaningful Journey.

The journey is as important as the destination. Oftentimes, we tend to forget this and get caught up in the rush of checking off milestones and goals in order to get to the next stage.

Nature the Teacher:

Nature is a teacher, not a clock to race against. As the saying goes: “Nature is never in a hurry, yet everything is accomplished.” Although time doesn’t wait and continuously ticks away, the wisdom of nature offers so much reassurance in times of uncertainty and doubt.

Consider the metamorphosis of a caterpillar: it struggles during its cocoon phase and dies to its old self before emerging and breaking free as a magnificent butterfly. As for a seed, it must crack open before it can root itself and grow into a mighty tree. Stars must collapse and crumble first into themselves before they can shine brightly. And during storms, there are pockets of sunshine — a symbol of hope that reminds us that the sun is just there no matter what — it will always come out tomorrow.

11 Life Lessons I’ve Heard & Learned this Month:

  1. Perspective doesn’t have to shift, it just expands.

  2. Winners were once people who lost and failed but never gave up. So, try and try until you succeed!

  3. I am not my bad day. I am way more than my bad day! My best version today isn’t necessarily my actual best.

  4. Feelings don’t need a reason to be valid. Sometimes emotions just are, and they are meant to be honored. We need to create space for all emotions to pass through, so that they don’t fester in place and implode. It’s okay to not be okay!

  5. Pursue whatever makes you feel most like you!

  6. Outgrowing people or being outgrown doesn’t mean that one person is better than the other. It simply means we’re no longer flowing in the same direction.

  7. The fear of newness may be real, but we must respond to this call by accepting and unleashing the light within us. There’s no need to shine in a big, flashy way, it can be to shine in your own sphere of influence.

  8. Let go of the need to be admired for you to be seen and loved for who you really are right here, right now. Isn’t it paradoxical and interesting that change happens when we fully and radically accept ourselves?

  9. Just as every flower blooms in its own time, trust that life will unfold for you.

  10. Each and every day is a chance to reset!

  11. Energy cannot be created nor destroyed, it can only be transformed. Make art out of your mess, and stars out of your scars! Uncover, unlearn, learn, relearn, and grow!

Blossom with Loving Intention and Shine in All Your Glory.

As I continue to meander and make some big girl decisions, I’ve discovered and embraced that the light I’ve been searching for has always been within me. It’s not about finding it, it’s about owning and embodying it, especially in moments of darkness.

We all carry an inherent brilliance, waiting to be recognized and expressed. And the greatest gift you can give yourself is to detach and individuate by realizing your own potential and letting yourself shine in all your glory as is where is.

Start Small, Grow Tall!

Using your light, how can you craft a better you and in turn, a better world in the spaces you occupy and enter?

Kate Cabigao